Body/arbiter iterator callback function type.
Body/constraint iterator callback function type.
Rigid body_ position update function type.
Body/shape iterator callback function type.
Chipmunk's rigid body_ type. Rigid bodies hold the physical properties of an object like it's mass, and position and velocity of it's center of gravity. They don't have an shape on their own. They are given a shape by creating collision shapes (cpShape) that point to the body_. Rigid body_ velocity update function type.
Wake up a sleeping or idle body_.
Wake up any sleeping or idle bodies touching a static body_.
Workaround for
Check that the properties of a body_ is sane.
Returns true if the body_ has not been added to a space. Note: Static bodies are a subtype of rogue bodies.
Returns true if the body_ is sleeping.
Returns true if the body_ is static.
Get the kinetic energy of a body_.
Convert body_ relative/local coordinates to absolute/world coordinates.
Force a body_ to fall asleep immediately.
Force a body_ to fall asleep immediately along with other bodies in a group.
Convert body_ absolute/world coordinates to relative/local coordinates.
Chipmunk's rigid body_ struct.
Used internally to track information on the collision graph. @private