- cpBBTreeVelocityFunc
alias cpBBTreeVelocityFunc = cpVect function(void* obj)
Bounding box tree velocity callback function.
This function should return an estimate for the object's velocity.
- cpSpatialIndexBBFunc
alias cpSpatialIndexBBFunc = cpBB function(void* obj)
Spatial indexes are data structures that are used to accelerate collision detection
and spatial queries. Chipmunk provides a number of spatial index algorithms to pick from
and they are programmed in a generic way so that you can use them for holding more than
just cpShape structs.
- cpSpatialIndexContainsImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexContainsImpl = cpBool function(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpHashValue hashid)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexCountImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexCountImpl = int function(cpSpatialIndex* index)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexDestroyImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexDestroyImpl = void function(cpSpatialIndex* index)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexEachImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexEachImpl = void function(cpSpatialIndex* index, cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc func, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexInsertImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexInsertImpl = void function(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpHashValue hashid)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc
alias cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc = void function(void* obj, void* data)
Spatial index/object iterator callback function type.
- cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc
alias cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc = cpCollisionID function(void* obj1, void* obj2, cpCollisionID id, void* data)
Spatial query callback function type.
- cpSpatialIndexQueryImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexQueryImpl = void function(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpBB bb, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexReindexImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexReindexImpl = void function(cpSpatialIndex* index)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexReindexObjectImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexReindexObjectImpl = void function(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpHashValue hashid)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexReindexQueryImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexReindexQueryImpl = void function(cpSpatialIndex* index, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexRemoveImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexRemoveImpl = void function(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpHashValue hashid)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc
alias cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc = cpFloat function(void* obj1, void* obj2, void* data)
Spatial segment query callback function type.
- cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryImpl
alias cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryImpl = void function(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat t_exit, cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc func, void* data)
Undocumented in source.
- cpSpatialIndexCollideStatic
void cpSpatialIndexCollideStatic(cpSpatialIndex* dynamicIndex, cpSpatialIndex* staticIndex, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, void* data)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- cpSpatialIndexContains
cpBool cpSpatialIndexContains(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpHashValue hashid)
Returns true if the spatial index contains the given object.
Most spatial indexes use hashed storage, so you must provide a hash value too.
- cpSpatialIndexCount
int cpSpatialIndexCount(cpSpatialIndex* index)
Get the number of objects in the spatial index.
- cpSpatialIndexDestroy
void cpSpatialIndexDestroy(cpSpatialIndex* index)
- cpSpatialIndexEach
void cpSpatialIndexEach(cpSpatialIndex* index, cpSpatialIndexIteratorFunc func, void* data)
Iterate the objects in the spatial index. @c func will be called once for each object.
- cpSpatialIndexFree
void cpSpatialIndexFree(cpSpatialIndex* index)
Destroy and free a spatial index.
- cpSpatialIndexInit
cpSpatialIndex* cpSpatialIndexInit(cpSpatialIndex* index, cpSpatialIndexClass* klass, cpSpatialIndexBBFunc bbfunc, cpSpatialIndex* staticIndex)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- cpSpatialIndexInsert
void cpSpatialIndexInsert(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpHashValue hashid)
Add an object to a spatial index.
Most spatial indexes use hashed storage, so you must provide a hash value too.
- cpSpatialIndexQuery
void cpSpatialIndexQuery(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpBB bb, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, void* data)
Perform a rectangle query against the spatial index, calling @c func for each potential match.
- cpSpatialIndexReindex
void cpSpatialIndexReindex(cpSpatialIndex* index)
Perform a full reindex of a spatial index.
- cpSpatialIndexReindexObject
void cpSpatialIndexReindexObject(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpHashValue hashid)
Reindex a single object in the spatial index.
- cpSpatialIndexReindexQuery
void cpSpatialIndexReindexQuery(cpSpatialIndex* index, cpSpatialIndexQueryFunc func, void* data)
Simultaneously reindex and find all colliding objects.
@c func will be called once for each potentially overlapping pair of objects found.
If the spatial index was initialized with a static index, it will collide it's objects against that as well.
- cpSpatialIndexRemove
void cpSpatialIndexRemove(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpHashValue hashid)
Remove an object from a spatial index.
Most spatial indexes use hashed storage, so you must provide a hash value too.
- cpSpatialIndexSegmentQuery
void cpSpatialIndexSegmentQuery(cpSpatialIndex* index, void* obj, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat t_exit, cpSpatialIndexSegmentQueryFunc func, void* data)
Perform a segment query against the spatial index, calling @c func for each potential match.
- dynamicToStaticIter
void dynamicToStaticIter(void* obj, dynamicToStaticContext* context)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.