Rotation of the body_ around it's center of gravity in radians. Must agree with cpBody.rot! Use cpBodySetAngle() when changing the angle for this reason.
User definable data pointer. Generally this points to your the game object class so you can access it when given a cpBody reference in a callback.
Force acting on the rigid body_'s center of gravity.
Moment of inertia of the body_. Must agree with cpBody.i_inv! Use cpBodySetMoment() when changing the moment for this reason.
Moment of inertia inverse.
Mass of the body_. Must agree with cpBody.m_inv! Use cpBodySetMass() when changing the mass for this reason.
Mass inverse.
Position of the rigid body_'s center of gravity.
Function that is called to integrate the body_'s position. (Defaults to cpBodyUpdatePosition)
Cached unit length vector representing the angle of the body_. Used for fast rotations using cpvrotate().
Torque applied to the body_ around it's center of gravity.
Velocity of the rigid body_'s center of gravity.
Maximum velocity allowed when updating the velocity.
Function that is called to integrate the body_'s velocity. (Defaults to cpBodyUpdateVelocity)
Angular velocity of the body_ around it's center of gravity in radians/second.
Maximum rotational rate (in radians/second) allowed when updating the angular velocity.
Chipmunk's rigid body_ struct.